点评:Oh dear, the rules we were told as we entered!
They had no leaflet to guide us round (though we were given one later at the tourist office ….), can’t take any photos (err why not?), don’t take debit or credit cards.
What they didn’t tell us is that there was hardly any information about anything as we walked round, in any language.
Who were the people in the paintings?
Why was Princess Diana in one of the pictures? What brand bag was she carrying?
Whose were the wedding dresses? Very lazy.
As we were leaving, we were asked what we thought …. big mistake …. if you don’t want to hear the answer, don’t ask the question!
Our feedback along the lines of the above was poorly received.
We showed the very detailed leaflet from the Église Sainte-Marthe, which we’d visited FOC. The lady didn’t seem to know that a leaflet for the museum even existed and said that the American and Japanese visitors enjoyed it and if we had complaints, we should address them to “le patron”. Who he?
We realised that we were in a parallel universe so just left.
The ironic thing was that somebody on the comms side had done a great job, as there were signs for the museum all over town.
By the way, it's in Tarascon, which seems to be missing from here, wish we'd given it a miss too.
当我们离开时,有人问我们的想法......大错 …。如果您不想听到答案,请不要问问题!
我们展示了我们参观过 FOC 的圣玛尔特教堂的非常详细的传单。这位女士似乎不知道博物馆的传单存在,并说美国和日本游客很喜欢它,如果我们有投诉,我们应该向“le patter”提出投诉。他是谁?