点评:The small René Magritte Museum in Jette (Brussels) is installed in the house at rue Esseghem 135 where painter René Magritte and his wife Georgette lived from 1930 to 1954. In fact, the couple only rented the ground-floor apartment with garden. It has been carefully reconstructed based on photos and testimonies with authentic furniture, some of it even designed by Magritte himself. Peeking into the rooms, we were amazed at how small this dwelling was. One doesn’t expect famous paintings like The Empire of Light to be created at the kitchen table, so to speak. While that gave us food for thought, on the whole, we were rather disappointed with this museum. We expected more focus on the life of Magritte in this house and a more lively presentation. Instead of twenty-seven copies of “Lost Magritte,” we would have preferred more of the Master’s Voice. The entrance to the museum is located in the Museum of Abstract Art in the adjoining house. You have to climb the stairs to the second floor, cross into the Magritte House, and walk down the stairs to the ground floor.
As far as we could see, most of the TA reviewers confused this museum with the “Musee Magritte Museum - Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium” at Place Royale in the centre of Brussels. So, most of the comments here are irrelevant. The fact that there are only 99 pictures for 1,711 reviews is a clear indication something is not right. How some of our own pictures of the Royal Museum ended up here is a mystery to us.
翻译:布鲁塞尔杰特的雷内·马格利特博物馆位于 Esseghem 街 135 号,画家雷内·马格利特和他的妻子乔治特从 1930 年到 1954 年住在这里。事实上,这对夫妇只租了带花园的底层公寓。博物馆根据照片和证词进行了精心重建,配有真实的家具,其中一些家具甚至由马格利特自己设计。窥视房间,我们惊讶于这所房子有多小。人们不会指望像《光之帝国》这样的著名画作是在厨房餐桌上创作的。虽然这给了我们一些思考的空间,但总的来说,我们对这个博物馆相当失望。我们期望这所房子更多地关注马格利特的生活,以及更生动的展示。我们更希望看到更多大师的声音,而不是 27 份《失落的马格利特》。博物馆的入口位于隔壁房子的抽象艺术博物馆。您必须爬上楼梯到二楼,穿过马格利特故居,然后走下楼梯到一楼。
据我们所知,大多数 TA 评论者都将这个博物馆与位于布鲁塞尔市中心皇家广场的“马格利特博物馆 - 比利时皇家美术博物馆”混淆了。所以,这里的大多数评论都是无关紧要的。1,711 条评论只有 99 张照片,这清楚地表明有些事情不对劲。我们自己拍摄的一些皇家博物馆的照片怎么会出现在这里,对我们来说是个谜。