点评:As a professional tourist guide (London), I recognise a really great work of restoration when I see one, and the Flaxmill Maltings is an absolute gem. It's huge in its physicality but also in the success of the hard-fought campaign to save it, the world's first iron-framed building. The history of two quite different industries - the production of linen thread for 90 years and then the production of malt for brewing - deserves to be recalled because it's the story of men, women and children who toiled, often in terrible conditions, to make others very wealthy. The beautiful buildings, some restored, others waiting to be, are benign now, but the fabric and especially the brilliantly designed, interactive exhibition, were once noisy, smelly, dangerous places, awesome in their size and the demands they once made on a very significant number of Shrewsbury's working class. This is a fantastic monument and testament to the lives of builders, inventors, engineers and those who toiled in the toughest conditions. I congratulate all who have saved this site from destruction and created a fine learning environment. I particularly thank Adrian and Vicky in the team there, for a very informative, unhurried and well-structured tour.
翻译:作为一名专业导游(伦敦),我一眼就能看出这是一项伟大的修复工程,而亚麻厂麦芽厂绝对是一颗宝石。它不仅规模巨大,而且经过艰苦的努力,成功挽救了这座世界上第一座铁框架建筑。两个截然不同的行业的历史——90 年来亚麻线的生产和啤酒麦芽的生产——值得回顾,因为它讲述了男人、女人和孩子在恶劣的条件下辛勤劳作,让其他人变得非常富有的故事。这些美丽的建筑,有些已经修复,有些正在等待修复,现在都已经恢复原样,但这些建筑,尤其是设计精妙的互动展览,曾经是嘈杂、臭气熏天、危险的地方,规模之大令人惊叹,曾经对什鲁斯伯里的大量工人阶级提出了苛刻的要求。这是一座奇妙的纪念碑,见证了建筑商、发明家、工程师和那些在最艰苦的条件下辛勤劳作的人的生活。我向所有拯救了该遗址并创造了良好学习环境的人表示祝贺。我特别感谢团队中的 Adrian 和 Vicky,他们为我们带来了一次内容丰富、从容不迫且结构良好的游览。