点评:Circumetnea was a slow but enjoyable ride around Etna. It oozes rustic charm, we loved it. That said, finding reliable timetable information was more tricky than finding the holy grail. The trains are as punctual as the old British Rail trains used to be at their peak/worst. It all adds to the experience. This railway could be so much more if more coherent use was made of the existing infrastructure. A more comprehensive timetable would be a start. Bottom line is, I loved it but could have loved it more if I could have got to Riposto and back with reasonable time in between to explore. We used it twice and loved both trips but didn’t get further (clockwise) than Randazzo.
The journey offers fantastic views across the valley away from Etna and great views of Etna herself. Two of the photos show our train timetable. This seemed to differ from ones on display at the station. Ours seemed more accurate, perhaps others were out of date.
翻译:Circumetnea 是一条缓慢但令人愉快的埃特纳火山之旅。它散发着乡村魅力,我们喜欢它。话虽如此,找到可靠的时刻表信息比找到圣杯更棘手。火车准时,就像旧英国铁路火车在鼎盛时期/最差时期一样。这一切都增加了体验。如果更连贯地使用现有的基础设施,这条铁路可能会更加精彩。更全面的时间表将是一个开始。总而言之,我喜欢它,但如果我能在合理的时间内往返 Riposto 进行探索,我会更喜欢它。我们使用了两次,两次旅行都很喜欢,但没有比 Randazzo 更远(顺时针)。