点评:Boating the Carmague region and visiting some stunning towns was a fun adventure for our 2 families.
With 4 adults and 2 teenagers this was our first ever canal journey.
The Le boat offering is an ideal option for those open to a few challenges and an interest in the more sparsely populated Carmague region. Our trip from St Gilles to Port Casaffieres took a week and meant quite leisurely boating averaging about 3 hours or less per day. While our original vessel a Comfort Plus version became unavailable just prior to our trip the next level down proved adequate. We did have to press for an appropriate fee reduction. A few surprises are that simple things you might expect the vessel to have at the beginning like dish cloths detergent and scouters are not provided, but we realised this had been explained in previously provided info. We did have one major issue when our fridge stopped working while in Fortignon and Le Boat had a service team fix it within a few hours. If you have no previous boating experience then I would not necessarily recommend this as a holiday unless you have a number of able bodied people up for a challenge. One option would be overnighting at the pickup point and doing a number of small trips in an around the base location.
Lastly one tip to remember is that surprisingly these vessels do not have holding tanks for grey water etc. so all your “outputs” end up in the canal. When using mooring lines and they fall into the water remember to wash hands…thoroughly. Swimming in the canal I’m sure could have interesting results.
这是我们的 4 名成人和 2 名青少年第一次乘坐运河。
对于那些愿意接受一些挑战并对人口稀少的卡马格地区感兴趣的人来说,Le boat 提供的服务是一个理想的选择。我们从圣吉尔斯到卡萨菲埃港的旅程持续了一周,这意味着我们每天可以悠闲地划船 3 小时或更短的时间。虽然我们原来的船只 Comfort Plus 版本在我们旅行前不可用,但下一个版本证明是足够的。我们确实不得不要求适当的费用减免。一些令人惊讶的是,您可能期望船只一开始会提供一些简单的东西,例如洗碗布、洗涤剂和童子军,但没有提供,但我们意识到这已经在之前提供的信息中进行了解释。我们在 Fortignon 时确实遇到了一个大问题,我们的冰箱坏了,Le Boat 的服务团队在几个小时内就修好了。如果您以前没有划船经验,那么除非您有许多身体健全的人愿意接受挑战,否则我不一定推荐您以此为假期。一种选择是在接送点过夜,并在基地周围进行几次短途旅行。