点评:Visited following it being featured on PBS Florida Road Trip. On entering Laura came over and gave us a lovely welcome. It was soon apparent that she was so committed to the museum and here enthusiasm for the exhibits was obvious. We were the first visitors of the day and Laura proceeded to explain the exhibits. After a few minutes a couple from Canada came in and joined us. She explained each exhibit giving interesting facts for each one that made them come alive. There was a interesting display of old mechanical music boxes which she proceeded to play, it was amazing to hear the quality of the sound. After going around the vehicle exhibits her husband Tim, who also works there showed us the stationary steam engines, some of which he, himself had restored to working condition. He got the exhibits to work and like Laura his enthusiasm was so infectious. We were so privileged to have benefited from Laura and Tim showing us around. It was great value and would commend it. The quality of the exhibits was excellent and so grateful for the generosity of the family who made everything possible
翻译:在 PBS Florida Road Trip 节目播出后参观了博物馆。一进门,Laura 就过来热情地欢迎我们。我们很快就发现她对博物馆非常投入,对展品的热情显而易见。我们是当天的第一批参观者,Laura 开始讲解展品。几分钟后,一对来自加拿大的夫妇进来加入了我们。她解释了每个展品,并为每个展品提供了有趣的事实,让它们栩栩如生。有一个有趣的旧机械音乐盒展示,她开始演奏,听到声音的质量真是太棒了。参观完汽车展品后,她的丈夫 Tim(也在那里工作)向我们展示了固定式蒸汽机,其中一些是他自己修复的,恢复了工作状态。他让展品运转起来,像 Laura 一样,他的热情很有感染力。我们很荣幸能从 Laura 和 Tim 的带领中受益。这非常值得,值得称赞。展品的质量非常好,非常感谢这家人的慷慨,他们让一切成为可能