点评:Before leaving Parc Natural del Cap de Creus, toward el Port de la Selva and Port de Llançà, we made a delicious pit stop at Martín Faixó Celler to refuel with local Perafita Picapoll white wine and fresh Tuna Ventresca.
Picapoll is a French and Catalonian blanc wine grape, grown by the Faixó Family in this beautiful vineyard, located on the Cap de Creus highlands. The Perafita Picapoll white wine is fresh, light, with salty mediterranean notes.
Tuna Ventresca was fleshy, tender and fragantly balanced with Faixó intense olive oil aromas. As we learned through our Costa Brava tour, Pan Tomato is the omnipresent companion in every meal. Thus, we were offered fresh and thick Pan Tomato to dip in olive oil, mount a piece of Tuna, and pair with Picapoll wine. A simple, delicious and very mediterranean combination of flavors to share with the gentle early afternoon warm breeze, and scenic views…
Pit stop took about 45 minutes, not F1 standard… A dolce vita time…
Our Dolce Vita rented Fiat 500, was ready to take us down through a narrow and curvy road for more Costa Brava surprises…
翻译:离开克雷乌斯角自然公园,前往塞尔瓦港和兰萨港之前,我们在 Martín Faixó Celler 短暂停留,品尝当地的 Perafita Picapoll 白葡萄酒和新鲜的金枪鱼 Ventresca,补充体力。
Picapoll 是一种法国和加泰罗尼亚的白葡萄酒葡萄品种,由 Faixó 家族在位于 Cap de Creus 高地的这个美丽的葡萄园中种植。 Perafita Picapoll 白葡萄酒清新、清淡,带有咸味的地中海风味。
Ventresca 金枪鱼肉质鲜嫩,与 Faixó 浓郁的橄榄油香气完美平衡。正如我们通过布拉瓦海岸之旅了解到的那样,番茄酱是每顿饭中无所不在的伴侣。因此,我们得到了新鲜厚重的番茄酱,蘸上橄榄油,装上一块金枪鱼,再搭配皮卡波尔葡萄酒。简单、美味和非常地中海风味的组合,与午后的温和温暖的微风和风景一起分享……
进站时间大约为 45 分钟,不是 F1 标准……一段甜蜜的生活时间……
我们的 Dolce Vita 租了一辆菲亚特 500,准备带我们穿过一条狭窄而弯曲的道路,享受更多布拉瓦海岸的惊喜……