If you’re passing through, visit the small museum on the second level
Gander International Lounge的点评
点评:Gander is small and so is the airport, which makes the September 11 event more amazing. The town doubled as 38 or so planes were grounded in an emergency. The people worked to accommodate everyone with food and medicine and communication and care for pets. This is summarized on the small second floor museum which has the 9/11 incident plus other airport history.
What is also interesting is that they have a piece of World Trade Centre steel that was given to Gander years later as a gesture of gratitude.
Coming into the airport departures, you wouldn’t think there is a larger lounge in the back and a second level in the back of that space. The front is brown, small and stark with hard plastic chairs. Go through the doors beside security to see this area. Anyone can see it - no restrictions. The lounge also has a small store too.
Worth a look.
翻译:甘德机场很小,这让 9/11 事件更加令人震惊。由于 38 架左右的飞机在紧急情况下停飞,小镇的人口翻了一番。人们努力为每个人提供食物和药品,并进行交流和照顾宠物。这些都总结在二楼的小型博物馆中,该博物馆收藏了 9/11 事件以及其他机场历史。