点评:The history of Rapa Nui, like most inhabited islands and countries, is vast and varied. The beginnings of the island and its colonization by humans is chronologically vague, with geological origins of the fusion of three volcanoes between 780,000 and 100,000 years ago sharing a timeline with the arrival of Polynesians in double hulled canoes sometime between 500CE and 1200CE. Organization of a thriving society, the breakdown of the same, intermittent European contact, and aggressive missionary activity followed as the island transformed along with the modern world. Fortunately the majority of these events are covered in a local museum founded in 1973 and initially dedicated to Sebastian Englert, a German ethnologist.
The displays begin at the entrance of the museum with a brief exhibit on Tonfa (Roberto Carlos Riroroko, a native wood carver), showing several of his works. The main exhibits follow in a single cordoned room, including over two dozen numbered and lettered display boards. These cover a wide variety of material and are arranged topically. Subjects are varied and include the geological formation of the island, the place of Rapa Nui in the larger Polynesian picture, and island-specific topics such as Rapa Nui’s social organization and fishing culture. Sprinkled throughout are numerous artifacts that roughly correlate with the associated written displays and include a mo’ai remnant with a coral eye and rongorongo script written on a wooden fish. A separate temporary exhibit hall follows, at the time of this writing consisting of a display called “Echoes of the Pacific” and containing colored tapestries.
In summary, this museum was equally concise and thorough with a proper mix of academic material (note: you have to read things) and historic artifacts. Oh, and as a bonus it’s free (!). It would fit well into the beginning or end of any trip to the island and was a great summary several topics I had read about before my trip, including some that I had discussed in the two days before with my guide. It also passed with flying colors my test of any museum: it taught me new information after all of my learning from books and tours. Sure it lacks a bit of modernity (digital touches, interactive displays, etc.), but the sum is greater than the parts. Definitely recommended.
翻译:拉帕努伊岛的历史与大多数有人居住的岛屿和国家一样,浩瀚而多样。该岛的起源和人类殖民的时间顺序模糊不清,地质起源于 78 万至 10 万年前三座火山的融合,与波利尼西亚人在公元 500 年至 1200 年之间乘坐双体独木舟抵达的时间一致。随着该岛与现代世界一起转变,该岛经历了繁荣社会的组织、社会的瓦解、断断续续的欧洲接触以及积极的传教活动。幸运的是,这些事件的大部分都包含在 1973 年成立的当地博物馆中,该博物馆最初致力于纪念德国民族学家塞巴斯蒂安·恩格勒特。
展览从博物馆入口开始,首先是 Tonfa(Roberto Carlos Riroroko,一位本土木雕师)的简短展览,展示了他的几件作品。主要的展品位于一个封闭的房间内,包括二十多个标有数字和字母的展板。这些展板涵盖了各种各样的材料,并按主题排列。主题多种多样,包括岛屿的地质构造、拉帕努伊岛在波利尼西亚大图中的位置,以及拉帕努伊岛的社会组织和渔业文化等岛屿特定主题。整个展厅散布着许多与相关书面展品大致相关的文物,包括一块带有珊瑚眼的摩艾石像残骸和写在木鱼上的朗格朗格文字。接下来是一个单独的临时展厅,在撰写本文时,该展厅由一个名为“太平洋的回声”的展览组成,其中有彩色挂毯。