点评:Had an amazing fun time with Pawel( Dragon fly) today zipling with our family of 17. Great variety of activities along with the ziplining. Finishing in the waterfall was refreshing and a fun way to end before our tasty lunch. Pawel and all the guys were great with all the grandkids ages 6 to 15. Our youngest granddaughter that is 6 and myself 66 were able to do all the activities but opted out of the natural waterside at the end. They made it fun by joking with all of us and cheering us on. Photo package will be great to have and the lunch was wonderful. They made us gluten free lunches as 4 of us are celiacs. Safety was one thing that was very important to them. Pawel was very quick to respond to all my text messages and questions. Thanks for the great memories from Debbie and her family of 17 from Canada! 🇨🇦
翻译:今天,我们 17 口之家与 Pawel(Dragon fly)一起玩滑索,玩得非常开心。除了滑索,还有各种各样的活动。在瀑布上结束活动令人神清气爽,在享用美味午餐之前,这是一种有趣的结束方式。Pawel 和所有小伙子们都和 6 至 15 岁的孙子孙女相处得很好。我们最小的孙女 6 岁,我 66 岁,可以参加所有的活动,但最后选择不去天然水边。他们和我们所有人开玩笑,为我们加油,让活动变得有趣。照片套餐很棒,午餐也很棒。他们为我们做了无麸质午餐,因为我们中有 4 人是乳糜泻患者。安全是他们非常重视的一件事。Pawel 很快就回复了我所有的短信和问题。感谢来自加拿大的 Debbie 和她的 17 口之家给我们留下的美好回忆!🇨🇦