点评:Helene and her team really looked after us and paid attention to every detail to make sure our trip was unforgettable.
From the calls in advance to go over everything and understand all of our wishes for the trip, then meeting us at the airport and introducing us to our most wonderful guide Joseph, then of course the adventure began and we went on the experience of a lifetime!
We were taken on daily tours of the bush, served great vegan meals every day, went on a dugout canoe ride, tried basket weaving and camped in the middle of the Moremi game reserve for multiple nights where we got to see these incredible animals living in their natural environment.
We saw lions, elephants, wild dogs, giraffes, zebras, buffalo, wildebeest and more! Joseph is incredibly kind and knowledgable and was always teaching us things about the wildlife. It's hard to put into words, but these memories will stay with our family forever.
Thank you Helene, David, Joseph and team!
翻译:Helene 和她的团队非常照顾我们,关注每一个细节,确保我们的旅行令人难忘。
从提前打电话了解所有情况并了解我们对这次旅行的所有愿望,到在机场接我们并向我们介绍我们最棒的导游 Joseph,然后当然冒险开始了,我们开始了一生难忘的经历!
我们看到了狮子、大象、野狗、长颈鹿、斑马、水牛、角马等等!Joseph 非常善良和博学,总是教我们关于野生动物的知识。很难用语言表达,但这些记忆将永远留在我们家人的心中。
谢谢 Helene、David、Joseph 和团队!