点评:It is located in the northern part of Mumbai about 45 km away from downtown. It is declared as 'One of The Seven Wonders of Maharashtra" by Maharashtra Tourism Board. The entire 16 acres complex was built by donation from large hearted people. It was built as a gratitude to great Vipassana teacher Sayagyi Ba Khin from Burma, who brought back the teachings of Buddha to its original country.
The main meditation dome hall without a pillar is the largest in the world where 8000 people can meditate at a time. One has to see it to believe it. It is a great place to learn the practice of Vipassana and teachings of Buddha. They conduct the ten day course for interested people with accommodation which is totally free.
This center also has got many other facilities like library, museum, auditorium and guest house for meditators. There is also a food court where hygienic food at very reasonable is served to daily visitors. It is a great place for the health of mind and soul.
Lastly the entire credit for the construction of Global Vipassana Pagoda goes to late Satyanarayan Goenka ji, a great philanthropist and Vipassana teacher.
翻译:它位于孟买北部,距市中心约45公里。马哈拉施特拉邦旅游局将其列为“马哈拉施特拉邦七大奇迹之一”。整个 16 英亩的建筑群是由慷慨人士捐赠建造的。它是为了感谢来自缅甸的伟大内观老师 Sayagyi Ba Khin,他将佛陀的教义带回了它的起源国。
主冥想圆顶大厅没有支柱,是世界上最大的,可同时容纳 8000 人冥想。只有亲眼所见才能相信。这是一个学习内观修行和佛陀教义的好地方。他们为有兴趣的人举办为期十天的课程,并提供完全免费的住宿。
最后,全球内观宝塔的建造全部功劳都归功于已故的 Satyanarayan Goenka ji,一位伟大的慈善家和内观老师。