点评:What an incredible change... it is nothing like I remember from my youth. We used to drive to Bullock Island if you wanted to buy fresh fish... these days there is so much more. There is a still an opportunity to buy fresh fish here but there is also a cafe that sells fish and chips.
It's more than just the commercial aspect though... the roads and amenities have had huge upgrades. There are amazing carparks and there are toilets here. The waters shimmer with peacock blues and greens. There is a small jetty here - Reeve Landing. There are picnic tables and shared pathways.
A pelican was gracefully riding the currents and watching me as I snapped a photo or two of it.
Whilst the nearby Esplanade and beaches were filled with holiday tourists, this area was still relatively quiet. I don't think it's going to be a hidden secret for long though.