点评:Most overrated island i have ever been to by far.do not believe the photos ! Ok maybe it looks different in peak season but do not come here in February.i came here thinking I could snorkle swim in ocean but no the ocean is way too rough you wouldn't last 10 seconds In it.
The food is way over priced 70 heirs for a street vendor hot dog!
Hotel offered me a buggy to rent 2400 heirs a day!! That's about 350 english pounds! You could probably buy one for that! This island is more expensive than the Maldives and no way as nice.believe me in February it looks nothing like the photos .
I booked for 6 nights the apartment I stayed in was nice but the island itself was so disappointing I payed for a flight out of there after 3 nights!
It might be nice another time of year do not come here in February.
翻译:这是我迄今为止去过的最被高估的岛屿。不要相信照片!好吧,也许在旺季看起来会有所不同,但不要在二月来这里。我来这里是为了在海里浮潜游泳,但海浪太汹涌了,你连 10 秒钟都撑不住。
食物价格过高,一条街头小贩的热狗要 70 英镑!
酒店向我提供一辆小车,每天 2400 英镑!大约 350 英镑!你可能可以用这个价格买一辆!这个岛比马尔代夫贵,而且没有那么好。相信我,二月的时候它看起来一点也不像照片上的那样。
我预订了 6 晚,我住的公寓很不错,但这个岛本身太令人失望了,我住了 3 晚后就付钱飞走了!