点评:We’ve visited battlefields and museums all over South Africa so were excited to visit this one while staying in Kimberley on a brief vacation. It’s a bit out of town down a gravel road so be prepared to vibrate all the way there. Just before the entrance there is a monument to the Boer dead which is worth a quick stop. Just a little further down the road, you enter Magersfontein battlefield. You pay at the gate and drive up and around the hill to the visitors center. The restaurant was closed when we were there and there were no lights in the museum. The guys fixing the roof told us just to prop the door open which offered a little light. It’s a small museum but it offers some helpful background on the battle. It’s also worth walking up to the monument on top of the hill and also to the lookout point above the restaurant. You can drive around to other monuments (beware of the tortoises) but upkeep hasn’t been great and we decided to call it a day. It might be better to visit with a guide who really knows his or her stuff.