点评:What a hidden gem! Ketut is a master of his craft, entertaining our group for well over 3 hours. I was travelling solo and joined with a family who had booked the Indonesian cooking class with Ketut.
The class is located on the grounds of his family home, set amongst a beautiful garden. Ketut explained every ingredient, it's best uses and importance to the dishes we created. As a group we prepared all of the food under Ketut's tutelage, even learning how to flip food in a pan. Flipping crepes without a spatula is truly an art form!
The food we cooked was scrumptious and the chats with Ketut and the other class members were enjoyable. At the end of the session, Ketut gives you a small cookbook with the recipes for all of the meals cooked.
An excellent experience!
翻译:真是一颗隐藏的宝石!Ketut 是手艺大师,为我们小组表演了超过 3 个小时。我独自旅行,和一个预订了 Ketut 的印尼烹饪课的家庭一起上课。
课程在他家的院子里,周围是美丽的花园。Ketut 解释了每种食材、它们的最佳用途以及对我们制作的菜肴的重要性。我们作为一个小组在 Ketut 的指导下准备了所有食物,甚至学会了如何在平底锅里翻转食物。不用铲子翻转薄饼真的是一门艺术!
我们烹饪的食物非常美味,与 Ketut 和其他班级成员的聊天也很愉快。课程结束时,Ketut 会给你一本小食谱,里面有所有烹饪菜肴的食谱。