Nice, calm place, untouched rainforest and beautiful river
Tiwai Island Wildlife Sanctuary的点评
点评:We visited Tiwai island without organized tour and we arrived with motorbikes. It was a great experience to get there. When we arrived to the village they brought us to the island with a motorboat. We were the first couple on that day and later others were arriving so we were 19 people.
In the camp they provide food and drinks. However they are not really prepared for many visitors. I would say 12 would have been more manageable.
We went to activities:
1. Night walk: two hours in the forest and not too many animals to see
2. Motorboat tour: Fantastic experience! We went around the island and saw small hidden places
3. Canoeing tour: It is a wooden boat and they do not give paddles to the visitors. So two local guys did the work for 4 visitors. It was nice. I really appreciate all of their efforts.
4. Chimp walk in the morning: We have seen lot of different types of monkies moving around the forest.
翻译:我们参观了蒂瓦伊岛,没有参加旅游团,而是骑着摩托车到达。这次旅行很棒。我们到达村庄后,他们用摩托艇把我们带到岛上。我们是当天的第一对夫妇,后来其他人也来了,所以我们一共 19 个人。
营地提供食物和饮料。但是,他们并没有为很多游客做好准备。我认为 12 个人会更容易接受。
1. 夜间散步:在森林里待了两个小时,没有太多动物可看
2. 摩托艇之旅:很棒的体验!我们绕着岛屿转了一圈,看到了一些隐蔽的小地方
3. 独木舟之旅:这是一艘木船,他们不给游客桨。所以两个当地人为 4 位游客服务。这很好。我真的很感谢他们的努力。
4. 早上与黑猩猩散步:我们看到很多不同类型的猴子在森林里走来走去。