点评:After a lot of research and consideration, we decided to go with Good Earth Tours and the experience was better than we imagined. Everything was so well planned with consideration for our varied desires and special requests. We were treated to so many wonderful animal sightings and all stand out as once in a lifetime experiences. My favorites were the large elephants families in the Amboseli, the huge male lions feasting in the Maasai Mara, another family of lions on a early morning kill just outside our hotel, and the river crossing in the Serengeti and the baobab trees in Tarangerie. Speaking of hotels, we stayed in comfortable hotels with spacious rooms and high level amenities. The food was always good and even with particular dietary needs/wants, we always found something we liked. Our experience could not have been what it was without the thoughtful and knowledgable guides; Peter in Kenya who ensured that every moment provided the views and varied experiences, and Rafael in Tanzania who acted as a walking encyclopedia for the fauna and flora of eastern Africa. What an amazing experience! I am forever grateful for the opportunity.
翻译:经过大量的研究和考虑,我们决定选择 Good Earth Tours,体验比我们想象的要好。一切都计划得非常周到,考虑到了我们不同的愿望和特殊要求。我们看到了许多奇妙的动物,所有的经历都让我们终生难忘。我最喜欢的是安博塞利的大象家族、马赛马拉盛宴中的雄狮、清晨在我们酒店外捕食的另一群狮子、塞伦盖蒂的河流穿越和塔兰格里的猴面包树。说到酒店,我们住在舒适的酒店,房间宽敞,设施一流。食物总是很好,即使有特殊的饮食需求/愿望,我们也总能找到自己喜欢的东西。如果没有周到而博学的导游,我们的体验不可能如此美好;肯尼亚的彼得确保每时每刻都能欣赏到美景,体验丰富多彩;坦桑尼亚的拉斐尔则是东非动植物的活百科全书。真是一次奇妙的经历!我永远感激有这样的机会。