点评:My husband and I joined two consecutive Inala tours (SW Australian Endemics and Tasmania Birds and Mammals) for a total of almost 3 weeks. These trips both had a total of 7 guests and 1 guide/driver (Angus McNab and Cat Davidson, respectively). Both guides were exceptionally knowledgable, friendly, and capable. The tours were nicely organized, well paced, and included congenial participants. We saw birds and animals (Scrubbirds, Tasmanian Devils, Quolls, Numbats, and Platypus) we hoped to see, but couldn't believe we would actually be lucky enough to see. A highlight of our tour was the two-night stay at Inala Nature Reserve, a stronghold for a number of Australian endangered and threatened species. Thank you Inala for what you do and sharing some of the best of Australia's flora and fauna with us!
翻译:我和丈夫连续参加了两次 Inala 之旅(西南澳大利亚特有物种和塔斯马尼亚鸟类和哺乳动物),总共将近 3 周。这两次旅行共有 7 位客人和 1 位导游/司机(分别是 Angus McNab 和 Cat Davidson)。两位导游都非常博学、友好且能干。这些旅行组织得很好,节奏很好,参与者也很友好。我们看到了我们希望看到的鸟类和动物(灌木鸟、袋獾、袋鼬、袋食蚁兽和鸭嘴兽),但不敢相信我们真的有幸看到它们。我们旅行的亮点是在 Inala 自然保护区住了两晚,这里是许多澳大利亚濒危和受威胁物种的栖息地。感谢 Inala 所做的一切,并与我们分享一些澳大利亚最好的动植物!