点评:We visited Polmartin following a quick internet search when vacationing in the forestry retreat nearby. Me and my two grown up children were looking to go for a hack/trek, as we often do when away together. I made the booking in person (they really were very close to our location) on the off-chance. Fortunately, they'd had a last minute cancellation that we slotted into less than an hour later.
The owner (Jane) was our instructor, and she scrutinized our responses to the obligatory / standard riders forms & waivers while we got our kit on. After we had been "recalibrated" as to our riding competency we went off into the barn to mount up and show Jane what we could do - basic walking, trotting and the like. No surprises there (I'm a little rusty ;-)) but we left the barn in good order and headed out on a trek around the property.
I was on Magic, daughter had Celeste, and son was on Socrates. We had a lovely time, and chatted all the way around with Jane telling showing us all manner of things around the property. There were some lovely views with many photo opportunities too. Upon our return to the stables we headed to the paddock for our daughter to do some more trotting.
We had a great time at Polmartin with Jane and can thoroughly recommend the venue for safe instruction with an overt commitment to animal welfare. We are occasional riders at best, however, Polmartin is the type of place that makes you want to ride much more often. Jane is a no nonsense instructor and we were very well treated by all the staff we came into contact with. Thank you for a great experience.
主人(简)是我们的教练,她仔细检查了我们对强制性/标准骑手表格和豁免的回应,我们则穿上了装备。在“重新校准”了我们的骑术后,我们去了谷仓,骑上马,向简展示我们可以做什么——基本的步行、慢跑等。这并不奇怪(我有点生疏 ;-)),但我们把谷仓收拾得井井有条,然后出发在庄园周围徒步旅行。
我骑的是 Magic,女儿骑的是 Celeste,儿子骑的是 Socrates。我们玩得很开心,一路上和 Jane 聊天,她向我们展示了酒店周围的各种事物。那里的景色非常美丽,也有很多拍照机会。回到马厩后,我们前往围场,让我们的女儿再跑一会儿。
我们和 Jane 在 Polmartin 玩得很开心,强烈推荐这个场地,因为这里的指导很安全,而且对动物福利有明确的承诺。我们最多只是偶尔骑一次,但是 Polmartin 是那种让你想经常骑的地方。Jane 是一位严肃的教练,我们接触到的所有员工都对我们很好。感谢你们给我们带来如此美妙的体验。