The most stunning little church of Bergamo - back to Charlemagne
Chiesa di San Michele al Pozzo Bianco的点评
点评:Bergamo as most Italian cities have an abundance of churches; you will find all architectural styles but the Old City - Citta Alta - has more Gothic and Renaissance and the lower part more Baroque churches.
The most stunning of them all for me though was this little Roman church with Renaissance elements.
You will find it when entering the Citta Alta through the St Augustine Gate and following the Via Porta Dipinta towards the centre of Citta Alta. The church is slightly withdrawn up a backwinding slope of cobblestones.
The church was first consecrated in 801 and the name of 'white fountain' probably comes from a white marble fountain now gone.
The interior has wooden ceilings from the 15th century and some walls show original fresco paintings from different periods - there is absolutely no other church like this in Bergamo, and overall very few still displays that many frescos.
On top of that there are paintings by Lotto in the side chapels, and a magnificent painting in the crypt as well. It gives a special feeling of the atmosphere of the Middle Ages which is difficult to find today.
It is off the beaten path - so absolutely solemn and quiet; but definitely worth the trip!
翻译:贝加莫和大多数意大利城市一样,拥有众多教堂;您会发现各种建筑风格,但老城区(Citta Alta)拥有更多的哥特式和文艺复兴式教堂,而下部则拥有更多的巴洛克式教堂。
当您穿过圣奥古斯丁门进入 Citta Alta 并沿着 Via Porta Dipinta 朝 Citta Alta 中心前进时,就会看到它。教堂略微向后退,沿着鹅卵石铺成的回坡向上。
教堂于 801 年首次奉献,“白色喷泉”的名字可能来自现已消失的白色大理石喷泉。
内部有 15 世纪的木制天花板,一些墙壁展示了不同时期的原始壁画 - 贝加莫绝对没有其他这样的教堂,总体而言,很少有教堂仍然展示如此多的壁画。