点评:We were booked to be playing Bellevue but got switched to this course as Bellevue cancelled our tee time to put on a medal.
People in clubhouse and bar were very friendly and helpful. Has the feel of a local club rather than a golfing holiday destination. Course was quite quiet, which meant we got round in under 4 hours (a relief after playing La Foret at Golf du Touquet the day before and had been kept waiting to play every shot).
Course is not particularly difficult, but as per previous reviews it has some really nice holes and a lot of variety (we played Belvedere). Only things I could really fault were the bunkers which either had a lot of gravel in them or were compacted with mud + a few greens in the back 9 were not in the best condition.
Would play here again.
俱乐部会所和酒吧里的人都非常友好和乐于助人。感觉更像是一个当地俱乐部,而不是高尔夫度假胜地。球场非常安静,这意味着我们在 4 小时内就打完了一轮(前一天在杜凯高尔夫球场打了拉福雷特,每次击球都得等着,这让我们松了一口气)。
球场不是特别难,但根据之前的评论,它有一些非常漂亮的球洞和很多变化(我们打的是贝尔维德)。我唯一能挑剔的是沙坑,里面有很多砾石,或者被泥土压实,后 9 洞的几个果岭状况不佳。