点评:This review and photos are from their opening week a few years back, but every word holds true to this day. Buy and sell from this store knowing you'll be treated right!
The Toy Department WORKS on every level and is a must visit.
Quality. There is a need for GOOD, quality vintage items in the “real” world, not online. Not beat up or incomplete junk. There are top notch, rare, quality items available. These items are priced a little less than what you’d have to pay online for these items, which encourages higher end collectors and is a refreshing change.
Display. Good selling demands good display. The cases are uniform, well set up and displayed top notch. I HATE going to a shop and seeing vintage items tossed around, dusty, etc. Your shop should resemble a museum, not a flea market.
Safe and fun for kids. I say this as a parent. I can take my 6 year old and not worry that he’s going to break something expensive. He’ll actually have cheaper stuff, well organized and bagged, for him to see and play with. The good stuff is locked and cased.
Prices. The newer, less pricey items are priced REALLY good! My 6 year old son spent all weekend playing with 2 POTF2 12” figures (Luke 100th and Electronic Vader). The figures we’re on the floor, carefully bagged, and a mere SIX BUCKS! Not “individually priced”, which will incentivize repeat visits and make parents happy.
Clear pricing. Clearly displayed pricing on everything. Seems a no brainer but you’d be surprised how many shows or markets don’t even bother with this.
Selection. Fills a void for any and all 1970’s – current lines.
Pegs of random stuff. A $4.00 toy was on a peg and that could damage the card (!). I love it. Let’s get rid of this nonsensical “Comic Book Guy” mentality, a mentality that killed some toy lines (looking at you, SLU’s). Open it up, who cares. Have fun.
Knowledge. Ran by the most knowledgeable and accessible guys around. Not a hint of pretentiousness, and totally nice dudes.
Very impressed and thought this store deserved a full review. They pay well and fair for collections as well.
质量。 “现实”世界需要优质、优质的复古物品,而不是在网上。没有被击败或不完整的垃圾。这里有顶级、稀有、优质的物品。这些物品的价格比您在网上购买这些物品所需支付的价格略低,这鼓励了高端收藏家,并且是一个令人耳目一新的变化。
对孩子来说安全又有趣。我作为一个家长这么说。我可以带着我 6 岁的孩子,而不用担心他会弄坏一些昂贵的东西。他实际上会有更便宜的东西,整理得井井有条,装在袋子里,供他观看和玩耍。好东西都被锁起来并装在箱子里。
价格。较新、较便宜的商品价格非常好!我 6 岁的儿子整个周末都在玩 2 个 POTF2 12 英寸玩偶(Luke 100th 和 Electronic Vader)。我们在地板上的人物模型,被小心地装袋,而且只有六块钱!不是“单独定价”,这会激励重复访问并使父母高兴。
选择。填补了所有 20 世纪 70 年代当前线路的空白。
随机的东西的钉子。价值 4.00 美元的玩具挂在挂钩上,可能会损坏卡片(!)。我喜欢它。让我们摆脱这种荒谬的“漫画家”心态,这种心态杀死了一些玩具系列(看看你,SLU)。打开它,谁在乎。玩得开心。