点评:As the saying goes, “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”, we’ll unfortunately North Somerset Council clearly haven’t heard it. What was a great and lovely seafront that probably needed only a little tweaking in the form of maybe slightly wider parking spaces and a few additional disabled spaces became a £1million plus carve up and utter trashing of the seafront and the surrounding streets. Multiple roads turned into one way roads causing endless circling by cars and frequent log james that simply didn’t exist before. Shameful really.
Having said that Clevedon itself is a lovely place to visit with fabulous independent shops, cafe, restaurants and services that now, more than ever, need your trade so please do visit. However, if you have been before don’t bank on parking near the seafront and what once was one of the last few free to park seafronts has now become a revenue generator for the Council and is enforced.
Worth a visit for sure and you can have a giggle at the nationally reported ‘wiggly lined seafront’, buy some gifts, grab a coffee or a glass of wine or have a meal. You won’t regret it.
翻译:俗话说,“如果它没有坏,就不要修理它”,不幸的是,北萨默塞特议会显然没有听到这句话。本来是一个伟大而可爱的海滨,可能只需要稍微调整一下,比如稍微宽一点的停车位和一些额外的残疾人停车位,就变成了价值 100 万英镑以上的分割,彻底破坏了海滨和周围的街道。多条道路变成了单向道路,导致汽车无休止地盘旋,并导致频繁的原木堵塞,这在以前根本不存在。实在是太丢脸了。