点评:Mum and I came here last year and are both so glad that we did. Uluru is something that every Australian MUST see at least once in their lifetime. We did the 10 kilometre base walk around Uluru. If you are planning on doing the base walk, it is important that you go either early morning at sunrise or sunset, it is not safe to do it in the middle of the day as it gets extremely hot and there is no shade. Also make sure you pack plenty of water and Gatorade as well as wear appropriate clothing (information on appropriate clothing in “Tips”) to avoid dehydration, heat exhaustion and heat stroke.
When we arrived at Uluru, I was at a loss for words, the rock is huge and just feels so magical. They say the rock changes colour throughout the day and I can confirm that is 100% true, I could see Uluru as we entered the park by the bus and it looked purple but by the time we actually arrived at the rock it was bright orange.
There are certain parts of Uluru that you cannot photograph, these places are clearly marked with signs asking that you not take photographs, this is around the north - east face of Uluru. The reason for this is that the rock details and features at these sites are equivalent to sacred scripture for the Anangu - they describe culturally important information that should only be viewed in their original location and by specific people.
Throughout the walk, there are emergency phones and seats with wooden shelters over them should you become ill or injured and require help. About 9 km’s into the walk, I began to suffer from heat exhaustion, luckily for me it was only very mild and I recovered quickly and was able to finish the walk but do be mindful that heat exhaustion is a possibility on this walk.
翻译:妈妈和我去年来过这里,我们都很庆幸我们去了那里。乌鲁鲁是每个澳大利亚人一生中必须至少看一次的地方。我们绕着乌鲁鲁走了 10 公里。如果您打算走这条路线,请务必在日出或日落时分清晨出发,中午出发不安全,因为那里非常热,而且没有阴凉处。另外,请确保您带了足够的水和佳得乐,并穿着合适的衣服(“提示”中有关合适衣服的信息),以避免脱水、中暑和中暑。
当我们到达乌鲁鲁时,我不知该说什么,这块岩石巨大无比,感觉太神奇了。他们说这块岩石全天都在变色,我可以肯定这是 100% 正确的,当我们乘坐巴士进入公园时,我可以看到乌鲁鲁,它看起来是紫色的,但当我们真正到达岩石时,它已经变成了亮橙色。
在整个徒步过程中,如果您生病或受伤并需要帮助,这里有紧急电话和带木制遮蔽的座椅。徒步大约 9 公里后,我开始中暑,幸运的是,我的中暑程度很轻,我很快就恢复了,能够完成徒步,但请注意,在这次徒步中可能会中暑。