Such an interesting historic site...don't wait to visit!!
Fort Meigs Ohio's War of 1812 Battlefield的点评
点评:Despite driving up and down I-75 for years, we never stopped in Perrysburg to go to Fort Meigs (built 1813) until now. Too bad we waited so long! We had a guided tour by Cory, and totally enjoyed it! We have visited two other War of 1812 sites (River Raisin Battlefield in Monroe, Michigan, and Fort Malden in Amherstburg, Ontario) so this site gave us another perspective about that war. Walking about the grounds, in and out of the Blockhouses with their exhibits on various topics, was interesting. There are a few monuments on the grounds, including the huge obelisk. There are a couple overlooks, but they are overgrown so you can't see the Maumee River; hard to visualize what it might have looked like in 1813! Very nice museum too!
翻译:尽管多年来我们一直在 I-75 上来回开车,但直到现在我们才在佩里斯堡停下来参观梅格斯堡(建于 1813 年)。太遗憾了,我们等了这么久!我们参加了 Cory 的导览游,非常享受!我们参观过另外两个 1812 年战争遗址(密歇根州门罗的雷辛河战场和安大略省阿默斯特堡的马尔登堡),所以这个遗址让我们从另一个角度了解了那场战争。在场地上走来走去,进出碉堡,看看里面的各种主题的展览,很有趣。场地上有一些纪念碑,包括巨大的方尖碑。有几个观景台,但它们长满了杂草,所以你看不到莫米河;很难想象 1813 年它会是什么样子!博物馆也很不错!