点评:The Grand Union Canal flows from Little Venice and Brentford in London to the heart of Birmingham. There are branches to Leicester and Wendover as well. The canal was the main way to get products from these two centres until the railways arrived and the canals were soon relegated.
Nowadays they are mainly used for leisure purposes with towpaths becoming good places to walk, run or cycle on your own or with family, friends or pets. The canals are also primarily there for leisure purposes with people owning narrowboats and also hiring them for a week or a day.
I visited the Grand Union Canal and sadly encountered a group of people who were totally clueless on how to operate locks. They had managed to fill the lock but could not get the gate open as they were pushing the gate in the wrong direction and I had to direct them on how to open the gates.
I carried on with my walk and on my way back I encountered them coming out of a lock but they had left the gates open and more importantly they had left the paddles open on the bottom gates so potentially they could have emptied the canal.
I do believe that if people are hiring boats they should get a proper tutorial on how to operate locks so everyone can enjoy the waterways.