点评:The history of London's Public Transport System goes back a long way and is a fascinating tale. One of the finest ways of learning more about it, is to take a relaxed and leisurely-paced tour around the London Transport Depot Museum in Acton. Easily reached by Tube on the Piccadilly Line to Acton Town we first met Keith, who gave a very interesting introductory talk to the small group of 15 visitors, before splitting us into two smaller groups. My group was lead by volunteer Eric and his colleague John. Both veritable founts of knowledge about the trains and buses in the Depot, as well as some of the electrical and mechanical signalling equipment, sections of tunnel linings, Passimeters (Booking Hall Ticket Offices), Kiosks, Roundels, signs and maps. We spent around two hours and twenty minutes on the tour which simply flew by. There are a large number of Tube trains, buses, coaches, trams and trollybuses to see and to learn interesting facts about. I learned a lot about London's transport and found Eric and John to be very keen on answering questions as well as telling us all about the things on display. At the end of our tour we visited the gift shop, which has an excellent, and very wide range of souvenirs to buy including a number of things like bags and face-masks in the various moquettes (seat covering materials) from the different lines. At the start of the tour we were also able to leave our bags in lockers for a £1 returnable deposit. That certainly saved having to lug too much stuff around. There are also excellent toilet facilities at the depot. All in all a thoroughly enjoyable time and I really would like to thank Keith, Eric and John for their time.
翻译:伦敦公共交通系统的历史源远流长,而且引人入胜。了解伦敦公共交通系统的最佳方式之一是悠闲地游览位于阿克顿的伦敦交通站博物馆。乘坐皮卡迪利线地铁可轻松抵达阿克顿镇,我们首先遇到了基思,他向 15 名游客的小团体进行了非常有趣的介绍性演讲,然后将我们分成两个小组。我的小组由志愿者埃里克和他的同事约翰带领。他们对车站的火车和公共汽车以及一些电气和机械信号设备、隧道衬砌部分、Passimeters(售票厅)、售票亭、圆形标志、标志和地图都非常了解。我们花了大约两个小时二十分钟参观,时间过得飞快。这里有很多地铁、公共汽车、长途汽车、有轨电车和无轨电车可供参观和了解有趣的事实。我学到了很多关于伦敦交通的知识,发现 Eric 和 John 非常热衷于回答问题,并向我们介绍所有展品。游览结束时,我们参观了礼品店,那里有各种各样的纪念品可供购买,包括不同线路的各种绒布(座椅覆盖材料)制成的包和面罩等。在游览开始时,我们还可以把行李放在储物柜里,押金为 1 英镑,可退还。这当然可以省去拖着太多东西到处走的麻烦。车站还有一流的卫生间设施。总而言之,这是一次非常愉快的时光,我真的要感谢 Keith、Eric 和 John 抽出时间。