点评:On 10-13-23 while driving thru North Carolina on our way to Georgia, my wife spots the sign for the McCandless Museum; looks up the website, calls the number and Shannon Wade picks up the call and agrees to meet us and open the museum for us to have a tour. 15 minutes later we're on our way to the museum; Shannon meets us about 20 minutes after we pull into the parking lot and proceeds to give us a 2 1/2 hour tour. I completely monopolized this young mans time with questions and he's got more answers than I had questions about the museums amazing collection of 1950's Chrysler/Plymouth/Dodge cars. The museum is also a showplace for the genius career of Herb McCandless; Mr. 4 Speed, the drag and track race driver of the early/mid to late 60's. My wife is joining in on the conversation from time to time; but sees I'm the kid in the candy store. I'm in my late 60's and spent 45 years working around machinery/aircraft: Air Force; retiring after 33 years as a public utility fleet mechanic. The McCandless Museum is a MUST SEE destination when you're in the area. I promise to whomever is reading this you won't be dissapointed. Jimmy Cameron
翻译:23 年 10 月 13 日,当我们开车穿过北卡罗来纳州前往佐治亚州时,我的妻子看到了麦坎德利斯博物馆的标志;查了网站,拨打了电话号码,香农·韦德接了电话,同意与我们见面并开放博物馆供我们参观。 15分钟后,我们就出发前往博物馆了;我们驶入停车场后大约 20 分钟,香农 (Shannon) 与我们会面,并带我们进行了 2 1/2 小时的游览。我完全垄断了这个年轻人的提问时间,他得到的答案比我对博物馆收藏的 1950 年代克莱斯勒/普利茅斯/道奇汽车的问题还要多。该博物馆也是赫伯·麦坎德利斯 (Herb McCandless) 天才生涯的展示场所。 Mr. 4 Speed,60 年代初/中后期的直线加速赛车手。我的妻子时不时地加入我们的谈话。但看到我是糖果店里的孩子。我已经 60 多岁了,在机械/飞机领域工作了 45 年:空军;在担任公用事业车队机械师 33 年后退休。当您在该地区时,麦坎德利斯博物馆是必去的目的地。我向任何读到这篇文章的人保证,你不会失望的。吉米·卡梅伦