点评:Most Illinoisans are familiar with the ancient Native American ruins in Cahokia, near St. Louis, but how many have visited Dickson Mounds? Located near Lewistown, Illinois, 40 miles southwest of Peoria on U.S. Route 24, on a low bluff overlooking the Illinois River, it is a Native American settlement site and large burial mound complex containing at least two cemeteries, 10 superimposed burial mounds and a platform mound. Founded in 800, it was in use until 1250. The site is named after chiropractor Don Dickson, who began excavating the property in 1927 and discovered the burial mounds on his family farm. Later, in 1972, the state of Illinois established the Dickson Mounds Museum on the site. It describes the life cycles and culture of Native Americans living in the Illinois River Valley over a period of 12,000 years since the last Ice Age. The site was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1972. Today, it is estimated that there are at least 3,000 burials at the site. Dickson Mounds was part of a complex trade network with many culturally diverse populations from the Plains area, the Caddoan area and Cahokia. In fact, Cahokia provided Dickson Mounds with luxury items such as copper ornaments and marine shell necklaces in exchange for food items such as meat and fish. The population of Dickson Mounds is said to have vanished during the late 13th to mid 14th century due to warfare, climate change and widespread epidemics.
翻译:大多数伊利诺伊州人都熟悉圣路易斯附近卡霍基亚的古代美洲原住民遗址,但有多少人参观过迪克森土墩?它位于伊利诺伊州刘易斯敦附近,距离美国 24 号公路皮奥里亚西南 40 英里处,坐落在伊利诺伊河畔一处低矮的悬崖上,是一处美洲原住民定居点和大型墓葬群,包含至少两座墓地、10 座叠加墓葬群和一座平台土墩。它建于 800 年,一直使用到 1250 年。该遗址以脊椎按摩师唐·迪克森 (Don Dickson) 的名字命名,他于 1927 年开始挖掘该遗址,并在其家族农场发现了这些墓葬群。后来,在 1972 年,伊利诺伊州在该遗址上建立了迪克森土墩博物馆。它描述了自上次冰河时代以来 12,000 年间生活在伊利诺伊河流域的美洲原住民的生命周期和文化。该遗址于 1972 年被列入国家史迹名录。如今,据估计该遗址至少埋葬了 3,000 具遗骸。迪克森土墩是复杂的贸易网络的一部分,该网络由来自平原地区、卡多安地区和卡霍基亚的众多文化多元的人口组成。事实上,卡霍基亚为迪克森土墩提供了铜饰和海洋贝壳项链等奢侈品,以换取肉类和鱼类等食品。据说,由于战争、气候变化和流行病的蔓延,迪克森土墩的人口在 13 世纪末至 14 世纪中叶已经消失。