点评:We visited Shamwari 15 years ago - split between Bayethe and Eagles Crag for my 50th birthday treat. I recall it being wonderful and probably the best holiday I had experienced at the time. When we booked Shamwari this second time we were concerned that we might be somewhat underwhelmed having had such a great time previously. Nothing to worry about - the visit surpassed our expectations. We had the most amazing Ranger - Mino - who knew the reserve like the back of his hand and located wildlife at will
For those who have never visited Shamwari it’s important to appreciate all the great conservation work that they do. The wildlife live as they should, the rangers operate a 2 vehicle policy i.e. a max of 2 vehicles near the wildlife at a time. This approach minimises disruption or distress, the wildlife are relaxed around the vehicles resulting in a better experience for all
It’s a wonderful picturesque location and if you plan a safari Shamwari IS THE PLACE to go
翻译:15 年前,我们去了 Shamwari,为了庆祝我的 50 岁生日,我们去了 Bayethe 和 Eagles Crag。我记得那次旅行非常美妙,可能是我当时经历过的最好的假期。第二次预订 Shamwari 时,我们担心之前玩得这么开心,可能会有些失望。但不用担心,这次旅行超出了我们的预期。我们遇到了最棒的护林员 Mino,他对保护区了如指掌,可以随意找到野生动物
对于那些从未去过 Shamwari 的人来说,欣赏他们所做的所有伟大的保护工作非常重要。野生动物生活得很正常,护林员执行 2 辆车政策,即一次最多有 2 辆车靠近野生动物。这种方法最大限度地减少了干扰或痛苦,野生动物在车辆周围很放松,从而为所有人带来了更好的体验
这是一个风景如画的美妙地方,如果您计划进行一次狩猎旅行,Shamwari 就是您的不二之选