点评:Got there and had to walk blocks just to get to the end of the line to enter the park, then spent an hour in line to get in the park while watching a ton of people budge in front of us in the line. Then got to the gate and our tickets that we bought half off on Friday the 13th they said they expired a week ago, even thought our friends we were with bought theirs the same day and they got in just fine. So they made us buy the full price ticket to get in. Then finally got in and got in line for a ride. Waited in line for another hour and a half. Finally road one ride, the park closes in an hour. We walked to another ride and stood in line for a couple minutes and realized we wouldn’t make it to the front before they closed so we left. All that to ride one ride. What a waste of money
翻译:到了那里,我们不得不走几个街区才能排到队尾才能进入公园,然后花了一个小时排队才能进公园,看着队伍里一大堆人挤在我们前面。然后到了门口,我们 13 号星期五买的半价票他们说一周前就过期了,尽管我们的朋友是同一天买的,他们进去的时候很顺利。所以他们让我们买全价票才能进去。最后终于进去排队等了一个游乐设施。又排了一个半小时的队。终于坐了一个游乐设施,公园一小时后就关门了。我们走到另一个游乐设施前,排了几分钟队,意识到在关门前我们排不到前面,所以我们就离开了。就为了坐一个游乐设施,我们费了那么大力气。真是浪费钱