点评:Gaetano of Sicily Choice Tours
Thank you for having Margarita as the tour guide for our family genealogy visit to Messina. Margarita was exceptional and very attentive answering our questions and explaining in detail the history and geography of Messina. We were given a packet of researched information about our family and we visited the address of one of our family members. We went to the family cemetery where many had died during the 1908 earthquake and we appreciate the efforts in finding family gravestones. We loved our trip to the family homeland of Messina and have gained an entirely different perspective, love and appreciation for it. Our stay at the Vmaison Hotel in Messina was incredibly beautiful and in a perfect location for exploring the city after becoming familiar with the area. We are looking forward to returning to Messina in the future.
Thank you Sicily Choice for all you have done and for Margarita.
翻译:西西里精选旅游公司的 Gaetano
感谢玛格丽塔担任我们家族谱系之旅墨西拿的导游。玛格丽塔非常出色,她非常细心地回答我们的问题,并详细解释了墨西拿的历史和地理。我们收到了一包关于我们家族的研究信息,并参观了我们一位家族成员的地址。我们去了家族墓地,1908 年地震期间许多人都在那里丧生,我们感谢他们为寻找家族墓碑所做的努力。我们喜欢前往墨西拿家族故乡的旅行,并且对它有了完全不同的视角、热爱和欣赏。我们在墨西拿的 Vmaison 酒店住得非常漂亮,位置优越,在熟悉该地区后可以探索这座城市。我们期待着将来再次回到墨西拿。