点评:A well maintained museum with extensive collections in various categories - this attraction is a must-visit experience in Allahabad . It will take you more than 2-3 hours to do justice to this excellent museum .
Must sees within the museum are galleries featuring Pandit Nehru and Mahatma Gandhi -interesting and rare photos ,letters and artefacts are featured . The museum is situated within Chandrasekhar Azad gardens and the galleries featuring him and other lesser known freedom fighters are also very informative and improves your understanding of the freedom struggle.
There are also galleries featuring sculptures ,bronzes, beads, archeological finds, coins miniature paintings , modern art paintings etc with most of the galleries showcasing Object of the month. The museum also has an excellent library .
翻译:博物馆维护良好,藏品丰富,涵盖各个类别 - 这是阿拉哈巴德必游景点。您需要花费 2-3 个小时才能充分领略这座优秀博物馆的魅力。
博物馆内必看的展厅是展示尼赫鲁和圣雄甘地的展厅 - 展出有趣且罕见的照片、信件和文物。博物馆位于 Chandrasekhar Azad 花园内,展示他和其他鲜为人知的自由战士的展厅也非常具有教育意义,可以加深您对自由斗争的了解。