Write your wishes or petitions on paper, Golu Devta fulfils them
Chitai Golu Devta Temple的点评
点评:The famous Temple of Chitai Almora is the Golu Devta temple, dedicated to Gollu or Goljyu Devta, an Avtar (incarnation) of Lord Shiva in the form of Gaur Bhairav. Several other temples of Golu Devta are there in Uttrakahnd, but the Chitai Golu Devta Temple is the most sacred one. Golu Devata is a deity of the Kumaoni and Garhwali community of Uttrakhand in India. It is a belief that Golu Devta fulfils wishes of devotees if asked with a clear conscience. Golu Devta is reckoned to be the God of Justice, so we saw thousands of wishes or petitions written on Stamp paper and plain papers along with small or large size bells hanged all around in the Temple. Due to this practice Chitai Temple is easily recognised. It is believed that Golu devta travels far distance on his white horse to meet the people of his kingdom to help them and he always follow the principle of Brahmacharya. There are several shops outside the temple selling Bells, other items used in Pooja, souvenirs, wooden articles, gift etc. An interesting Temple for kids also.
翻译:著名的奇泰阿尔莫拉神庙是 Golu Devta 神庙,供奉 Gollu 或 Goljyu Devta,是湿婆神的化身,以 Gaur Bhairav 的形式出现。北坎德省还有其他几座 Golu Devta 寺庙,但 Chitai Golu Devta 寺庙是最神圣的一座。戈鲁·德瓦塔 (Golu Devata) 是印度北坎德邦库毛尼 (Kumaoni) 和加尔瓦利 (Garhwali) 社区的神。人们相信,如果问心无愧的话,Golu Devta 会满足奉献者的愿望。 Golu Devta 被认为是正义之神,所以我们看到成千上万的愿望或请愿书写在邮票纸和普通纸上,还有大大小小的铃铛挂在寺庙的周围。由于这种做法,赤台寺很容易被认出。人们相信,Golu devta 骑着白马长途跋涉去见他王国的人民并帮助他们,他始终遵循 Brahmacharya 的原则。寺庙外面有几家商店出售铃铛、普迦中使用的其他物品、纪念品、木制品、礼物等。对于孩子们来说,这也是一座有趣的寺庙。