点评:most rental car agencies forbid traveling on this road, so dont even think abt DIY.
it is a very popular trail for hikers on a 3 day trekking route to Ala Kul Lake, and for those who are not interested in hiking or have limited in time, hired driver with 4x4 vehicle for a full day ex-Karakol is the way to go. round trip rates seem to vary from 7000-11000 kgs per vehicle, depending on vehicle type, although i think 5000 is possible if negotiate successfully. there are a variety of 4x4 vehicles used, including buhanka, gaz-66, nissan petrol, landcruiser, etc. the vehicles need to be jacked up in order to pass all the rocks on the path. the ride is very bumpy and not recommended for someone who has back, neck pain etc.
after driving about 1.5 - 2h over 15km (or hiking about 5h - hikers and vehicles share the same road most of the time) , you will arrive to the iconic Altyn Arashan Valley. there are hot springs (free) along the river, and also some paid versions nearer to camps, that are hosted by the local camps.
there are probably at least 10 different camps at the valley, with Guesthouse Elsa (1700 kgs pppn including breakfast, with lunch and dinner payable as extras) and Arashan Lodge as some of the popular ones
imho, the best way to visit Altyn Arashan is to ride the vehicle first one way up to the valley, then return down by hiking. the challenge here is finding someone to share the ride with beforehand, from Karakol. so perhaps you can fake-hike a little first then hitch a ride up when a 4x4 car passes you en route (be prepared to pay, none of this will be free).
这是一条非常受徒步旅行者欢迎的路线,需要 3 天才能到达阿拉库尔湖,对于那些对徒步旅行不感兴趣或时间有限的人来说,雇佣司机驾驶四轮驱动汽车从卡拉科尔出发一整天是最好的选择。往返费用似乎从每辆车 7000 到 11000 公斤不等,具体取决于车型,但我认为如果谈判成功,5000 公斤是可能的。有各种各样的四轮驱动车辆使用,包括 buhanka、gaz-66、日产汽油、陆地巡洋舰等。车辆需要用千斤顶顶起才能通过路上的所有岩石。旅途颠簸,不建议有背部、颈部疼痛等症状的人。
驾车行驶 1.5 - 2 小时,行驶 15 公里(或徒步 5 小时 - 大部分时间徒步者和车辆共用同一条道路),您将到达标志性的阿尔金阿拉山山谷。沿河有温泉(免费),还有一些靠近营地的付费温泉,由当地营地提供。
山谷可能有至少 10 个不同的营地,其中最受欢迎的有 Guesthouse Elsa(每人每晚 1700 公斤,包括早餐,午餐和晚餐需额外支付)和 Arashan Lodge。