点评:I will start by saying wow, what an incredible experience! There is an endless amount of waterfalls, streams, rivers, wildlife, mountains and beautiful trees. The huts are everything you need and the rangers are friendly, helpful and extremely knowledgeable. I’ll make a special mention about Mintaro Hut, it’s definitely a special treat in the middle of your adventure. The first two days are reasonably easy going. My partner and I were worried about the incline, however this was the easy part. We had to decline down the emergency track and this was tiring, so prepare for the decline.
The track was easy to navigate and the paths were easy to follow so there is no chance of getting lost.
Everyone goes on about the sandflies at the end, however I think we got lucky as we didn’t even see one!
Overall this is an amazing experience and it should be on everyone’s bucket list!!
翻译:首先我要说,哇,这真是一次不可思议的经历!这里有无数的瀑布、溪流、河流、野生动物、山脉和美丽的树木。小屋里有你需要的一切,护林员友好、乐于助人且知识渊博。我要特别提到 Mintaro Hut,它绝对是你冒险途中的特别享受。前两天相当轻松。我和我的伙伴担心坡度,但这是最轻松的部分。我们不得不沿着紧急轨道下降,这很累,所以要做好下降的准备。