点评:The InterCity coach stopped for afternoon tea at Hokitika in front of the National Kiwi Centre and coach passengers received a discount on admission. They had a huge tank for the female New Zealand Longfin Eels, the largest freshwater eels in the world. These fish are 85-100 years old! Notice that they had not yet removed the Halloween decorations from the tank!
The Tuatara is a unique reptile, a living fossil from the age of the dinosaurs. They are the only species in their order and live only in New Zealand. If a Tiger Oscar is not happy, it makes a face like a sullen child. The one in my photo seemed reasonably content.
Of course, the reason I visited was to see kiwis. One room had an exhibit of kiwis. Then you enter the kiwi house, where it is nighttime since the kiwi are nocturnal. Due to the low lighting, photos are prohibited. I actually saw a kiwi close up, about 20 cm/8 inches away from me. To compensate for the photo prohibition, they give you a photo of a kiwi on the way out.
翻译:城际大巴在国家猕猴桃中心前的霍基蒂卡停下来喝下午茶,大巴乘客可以享受门票折扣。他们有一个巨大的水箱,里面养着雌性新西兰长鳍鳗,这是世界上最大的淡水鳗鱼。这些鱼有 85-100 年的历史了!请注意,他们还没有从水箱里取下万圣节装饰品!
当然,我来这里的目的是看猕猴桃。一个房间里有猕猴桃展览。然后你进入猕猴桃馆,那里是夜晚,因为猕猴桃是夜行动物。由于光线昏暗,禁止拍照。我实际上近距离看到了一只猕猴桃,离我大约 20 厘米/8 英寸。为了弥补禁止拍照的缺陷,他们会在出去的路上给你一张猕猴桃的照片。