点评:First time visit. Free parking behind the museum in a small, dedicated lot entered from the left lane of one-way Chestnut Street. Entrance to museum itself is on Elm Street opposite the golden Art Deco portal in the aude of the old New England Telephone & Telegraph building.
$5 admission for adults, $4 for seniors. Less for children. Happy to pay this to support a small museum devoted entirely to Worcester.
You enter into the gift shop. This is where you buy tickets and can get your questions answered by the friendly volunteers.
There is a main exhibit on the first floor that changes. We saw the installation devoted to candlepin bowling on this visit. Good exhibit featuring photos and many bowling related items and paraphernalia along with an interesting video on a large screen showing what takes place behind the scenes on a bowling alley once the balls knock down the pins.
The hall leads into a smaller area that speaks to children (Spanish and English) and is set up like a diner.
There is another exhibition area along with several smaller areas. The second floor has the auditorium (locked so we couldn't peek in), what looked like a meeting room, a smaller room devoted to the yellow smiley face invented in Worcester, and objects displayed in the area outside the auditorium.
We spent about an hour at the museum and enjoyed ourselves. It would be nice to attend an event or function.
You are also given passes to the Salisbury mansion (these don't expire).
翻译:第一次参观。博物馆后面有一个小型专用停车场,可免费停车,从单行道 Chestnut Street 的左车道进入。博物馆入口位于 Elm Street,金色装饰艺术风格大门对面,新英格兰电话电报大楼的前面。
成人入场费 5 美元,老年人入场费 4 美元。儿童入场费更低。很乐意支付这笔费用来支持一个完全致力于伍斯特的小型博物馆。