They had some of the amazing yesteryear Giants and the Midgets that soared the sky
Darwin Aviation Museum的点评
点评:We were amazed by the sheer size of the 8 engine B52 bomber which was as much long as the length of the display hanger. There were many smaller aircrafts as well as fighter aircrafts and helicopters. Most eye-catching exhibits outside the hanger, on an apron were the Douglas DC 3 Dakota, the Four engine Lockheed Orion and the Mitsubishi MU 2 and a vintage well preserved Airport Fire Fighting engine. De Havilland Dove, vintage biplane De Havilland Tiger Moth, the small Rutan Long EZe and the replica of the Spitfire were beautiful exhibits. Westland Wessex and the Bell cobra were some of the helicopters that we would never have seen other than in a museum like this. Vehicle mounted and portable boarding staircases provided access to take a closer look at some of the exhibits. The nose and the middle part of a North American B 25 D Mitchell bomber named “Hawg Mouth” which had been in active service was a great attraction.
翻译:我们对这架 8 引擎 B52 轰炸机的庞大体型感到惊讶,它的长度与展览机库的长度相当。展览馆内还有许多小型飞机以及战斗机和直升机。机库外停机坪上最引人注目的展品是道格拉斯 DC 3 达科他型、四引擎洛克希德猎户座型和三菱 MU 2 型以及一台保存完好的老式机场消防车。德哈维兰鸽型、老式双翼机德哈维兰虎蛾型、小型鲁坦龙 EZe 型和喷火战斗机的复制品都是精美的展品。除了在这样的博物馆里,我们永远不会见到韦斯特兰威塞克斯和贝尔眼镜蛇型直升机。车载和便携式登机楼梯使人们可以近距离观看一些展品。一架曾服役的北美 B 25 D 米切尔轰炸机“Hawg Mouth”的机头和中部非常引人注目。