点评:This was one of my favorite places we visited in Missouri while traveling to multiple state parks and springs. The historic mill is in beautiful condition and set in an awesome setting on the shore of a spring. There is more than one trail to the mill, both of which are flat, easy short trails starting at 2 different parking lots. There is also a historic schoolhouse near the grist mill. There are very nice restrooms and a picnic area there as well. In addition to walking to the mill, we hiked the .3 mile Spring Branch Trail which was accessed very near the mill. Part of it ran along a stream and had rocky bluffs on the other side much of the way. The other part ran along the perimeter of the spring. It was a very easy trail to hike. There are 2 sets of steps but there are only about 10 steps and there is a railing. Otherwise, the trail is mostly level. This whole place was so peaceful and beautful. Both old and young people can enjoy it!
翻译:这是我们游览密苏里州多个州立公园和泉水时最喜欢的地方之一。这座历史悠久的磨坊状况良好,坐落在泉水岸边,环境优美。通往磨坊的小径不止一条,都是平坦、简单的短途小径,起点是两个不同的停车场。磨坊附近还有一所历史悠久的校舍。那里还有非常漂亮的卫生间和野餐区。除了步行到磨坊外,我们还徒步了 0.3 英里的 Spring Branch Trail,这条小径就在磨坊附近。其中一部分沿着一条小溪延伸,另一侧大部分路段都是岩石峭壁。另一部分沿着泉水的周边延伸。这是一条非常容易徒步的小径。有两组台阶,但只有大约 10 个台阶,还有栏杆。除此之外,这条小径大部分是平坦的。整个地方如此宁静美丽。老年人和年轻人都可以享受它!