点评:If you're going to visit the home of Harry S Truman, you must first to go to the visitor center at 223 North Main Street for ticketing.
The "1859 Jail Museum" is located next door at 217 North Main Street. The jail museum is closed on Sundays and Mondays. Admission for an adult is $6.00; $5.00 for seniors over 65+; $3.00 for children ages 6-16; and free for ages 5 and under.
In a nutshell, the primary structure of interest is the jail, which was built in 1859. Frank James--brother of Jesse James, was incarcerated here for six months. The other buildings of interest are the house / office of the Jackson County marshal and a one room schoolhouse.
Truthfully, there isn't that much to see. I was able to tour the site and take pictures in less than 15-minutes.
If I wasn't in the area to get a spot for the Truman House tour, I probably would have skipped this venue altogether.
“1859 年监狱博物馆”位于隔壁的北大街 217 号。监狱博物馆周日和周一闭馆。成人入场费为 6.00 美元; 65 岁以上老年人 5.00 美元; 6-16 岁儿童 3.00 美元; 5 岁及以下免费。
简而言之,最感兴趣的建筑是建于 1859 年的监狱。弗兰克·詹姆斯(杰西·詹姆斯的兄弟)在这里被监禁了六个月。其他感兴趣的建筑是杰克逊县元帅的住宅/办公室和一间单室校舍。
说实话,没有那么多可看的。我在不到 15 分钟的时间内就游览了该地点并拍照。