点评:This was an attraction earmarked on our cross country bus tour itinerary to partake in today. Took the scheduled train ride that departed at 1230. We had our own rail car immediately behind the locomotive assigned to haul our 50+ person group. Nice depot, gift shop, museum & visitors area associated with the ride. Rail equipment appeared to be well maintained and is run by all volunteers. Adequate parking and overflow lot available during peak times. Workers all well behaved and in uniform of the trade. Nice 45 minute one-way ride through some beautiful and somewhat secluded Delaware countryside. Train crew members interacted with passengers during the ride. All rail cars are enclosed and have functional windows. Cooler days would be a best bet vs. heat of summer days. Wonderful attraction and highly recommend for family outing and/or to take in some local railroad history.
翻译:这是我们今天参加的越野巴士旅游行程中指定的一个景点。乘坐 1230 出发的预定火车。我们在机车后面立即安排了自己的轨道车,用于运送我们 50 多人的团队。不错的停车场、礼品店、博物馆和与骑行相关的游客区。铁路设备似乎维护得很好,并且由所有志愿者运营。在高峰时段提供充足的停车位和停车位。工人们都表现良好,穿着行业制服。不错的 45 分钟单程骑行,穿过美丽而隐蔽的特拉华州乡村。火车乘务员在乘车过程中与乘客互动。所有的轨道车都是封闭的,并有功能性的窗户。与炎热的夏季相比,凉爽的日子是最好的选择。很棒的景点,强烈推荐家庭出游和/或了解当地的铁路历史。