点评:….at the north end of Bainbridge Island, Bloedel is centered on a pretty but rather plain French 18thC-style house. Around it are laid out a series of garden areas, some that simply melded into the dense, damp woodland and others of a more formal nature, but all well maintained and offering different levels of exercise. The contents of the house are undistinguished, which is a shame.
However, it is the beautiful and haunting house built of local cedarwood and glass, hidden in the center of the estate, that is a focal point and does not disappoint. A combination of Native American long-house and Japanese shoji-screen hall, with wide verandas, it looks out over a gravel Zen garden, formerly a swimming pool, filled in after 1963 when the distinguished poet Theodore Roethke had drowned in it. The site and size make a perfect accompaniment – and memorial – for the poet house.
There is an excellent shop and bookstore.
翻译:….在班布里奇岛的北端,布洛德尔庄园以一栋漂亮但朴素的 18 世纪法式房屋为中心。房屋周围分布着一系列花园区,有些花园区与茂密潮湿的林地融为一体,有些则更为正式,但都维护良好,提供不同程度的锻炼。房子里的东西很普通,真可惜。
然而,这座美丽而令人难忘的房子隐藏在庄园的中心,用当地的雪松木和玻璃建造而成,是庄园的焦点,不会让人失望。这座房子结合了美洲原住民的长屋和日本的障子屏风大厅,有宽阔的阳台,俯瞰着一个砾石禅宗花园,以前是一个游泳池,1963 年著名诗人西奥多·罗特克在里面溺水身亡后被填满。这个位置和大小为诗人之家提供了完美的陪伴和纪念。