点评:This was our 5th New England Capitol to visit, and it is both unique to New England but also very similar. At first glance it appears so different from other Capitol's in New England, namely no gold dome, a copper (bronzish brown) one instead. However, a closer look reveals the original structure which was a Charles Bulfinch design like so many in New England. If you look at the base below the dome, it is exactly the same as the base for Massachusetts as Maine was originally part of Massachusetts. The white appearance in Maine obscures your first impression but look past the color and you will see it. The dome was once the same as Massachusetts, but the remodel in 1909 changed the dome to a more elongated one with copper instead of gold. Also, until 2014, the dome was a green patina when it was repaired. The current dome is expected to patina by 2049. However, I was glad we were able to see it in its copper state. It is strikingly different for New England and in fact most capitols.
翻译:这是我们参观的第 5 个新英格兰议会大厦,它既是新英格兰独有的,又与新英格兰议会大厦非常相似。乍一看,它与新英格兰的其他议会大厦如此不同,没有金色圆顶,而是铜色(古铜褐色)圆顶。然而,仔细观察后发现,其原始结构与新英格兰的许多设计一样,都是由查尔斯·布尔芬奇 (Charles Bulfinch) 设计的。如果您查看圆顶下方的底座,它与马萨诸塞州的底座完全相同,因为缅因州最初是马萨诸塞州的一部分。缅因州的白色外观会掩盖您的第一印象,但忽略颜色,您就会看到它。圆顶曾经与马萨诸塞州的圆顶相同,但 1909 年的改建将圆顶改为更长的圆顶,用铜代替黄金。此外,直到 2014 年修复时,圆顶都是绿色铜锈。目前的圆顶预计到 2049 年会变成铜锈。但是,我很高兴我们能够看到铜质的圆顶。新英格兰地区,事实上大多数首府的情况都截然不同。