点评:During the Swedish Empire, The University was established in 1632 by King Gustaf II of Sweden. It is the best university in Estonia and one of the oldest prestigious universities in Europe.
The campuses are mainly located in the northwest area of Tartu City.
In addition to academic excellence, Tatu University also has many historical buildings and monuments that are worth visiting.
For example:
* Tartu Cathedral (built in the late 13 century to 15 century) – now is located the museum of the University of Tartu;
* Tartu Old Anatomical Theatre (1805);
* Tartu Ulikool (Main building of Tartu University. 1809);
* Tartu Tahetorn, (Tartu old observatory) - It was Estonia’s first observatory during 1810 to 1964;
* Kliinikuhoone - Clinic building during 1874-1881;
* Monument to Prof. Nikolai Pirogov - the founder of experimental surgery, topographic anatomy and battlefield medicine in Tartu.
翻译:在瑞典帝国时期,该大学由瑞典国王古斯塔夫二世于 1632 年建立。它是爱沙尼亚最好的大学,也是欧洲最古老的著名大学之一。
* 塔尔图大教堂(建于 13 世纪末至 15 世纪)——现在是塔尔图大学的博物馆;
* 塔尔图老解剖剧院(1805 年);
* 塔尔图 Ulikool(塔尔图大学主楼,1809 年);
* 塔尔图 Tahetorn(塔尔图老天文台)——它是 1810 年至 1964 年爱沙尼亚第一座天文台;
* Kliinikuhoone——1874-1881 年的诊所大楼;
* 塔尔图实验外科、地形解剖学和战地医学的创始人尼古拉·皮罗戈夫教授的纪念碑。