点评:You start experiencing the art as soon as you arrive at the impressively shiny exterior which dominates the location in Queens St
Small entry fee is well worth what can be experienced in this gallery
The art of the legendary Len Lye takes up a lot of the lower floor with special installations as you go up in an easy tour through the works… loved my walk through the raffia ferns and extra information and assistance provided by Niki so that I took home a photo of me with the installation - a celebration of greeness!
The kinetic art of Len Lye is activated by enthusiastic guides who also can provide extra information about what you are experiencing
During the school holidays there is an activity room set up to engage both children and parents and expertly run by long time gallery worker, Chris.
传奇的 Len Lye 的艺术作品占据了下层的大部分空间,并设有特殊装置,您可以轻松参观这些作品……我喜欢穿过拉菲亚蕨类植物,Niki 提供了额外的信息和帮助,所以我带了一张我和装置的照片回家——这是对绿色的庆祝!
Len Lye 的动态艺术由热情的导游激活,他们还可以提供有关您正在体验的额外信息
在学校假期期间,这里设有一个活动室,供儿童和家长参与,由长期在画廊工作的 Chris 熟练地管理。