点评:In common with many Historic Scotland sites this one remains closed to allow for high level masonry inspection which has been ongoing for several years. Remains can be viewed from the site perimeter.
Despite having originally been one of the largest abbeys in Scotland dating back to the 12th century it was almost completely destroyed by the 16th century following continuous border raids by the English. A sizeable piece of the western entrance is the most significant part of the structure left standing.
On a brighter note for those looking to do a tour of the Border Abbeys, Melrose, Dryburgh and Jedburgh Abbeys have all now reopened to visitors and the remains of these are more substantial than that at Kelso.
Kelso Abbey is worth a look if you are wandering the attractive historic town centre but perhaps not as a specific destination.
尽管它最初是苏格兰最大的修道院之一,可追溯到 12 世纪,但在 16 世纪,由于英国人不断袭击边境,它几乎被完全摧毁。西入口的一大块是该建筑中最重要的部分。