点评:To walk through the caverns takes a literal minute from one end to the other with three main points of general interest. Our guide was a young gentlemen with quiet and fast speech making it near impossible to tell what he was saying. The tour is supposed to last 45 minutes. He dragged it out to an hour and 10 minutes because it seemed important to him to make immature jokes and then laugh at his own jokes whilst the group cringed and groaned. He took the groans as an affirmation that he might soon get a spot on BGT. And for this they charge you £21 per person. Extortionate. Definitely not value for money. Don’t take kids. This chap couldn’t handle an elderly lady who needed to sit down on a nearby bench without admonishing her. Talk about zero respect for his elders. Goodness knows how he’d handle very bored kids.
翻译:穿过洞穴从一端到另一端只需一分钟,主要有三个景点。我们的导游是一位年轻的绅士,说话声音轻且快,几乎不可能听清他在说什么。这次旅行应该持续 45 分钟。他把时间拖到一个小时 10 分钟,因为对他来说,讲一些不成熟的笑话,然后在团队畏缩和呻吟的同时,嘲笑自己的笑话很重要。他把这些呻吟声当作一种肯定,他可能很快就会得到 BGT 的一个位置。为此,他们向你收取每人 21 英镑的费用。敲诈勒索。绝对不物有所值。不要带孩子。这个家伙无法应付一位需要在附近长椅上坐下的老太太,除非她受到斥责。说到对长辈的零尊重。天知道他会怎么对待非常无聊的孩子。