点评:We had a very disappointing trip sold by Destination Services CR to Palo Verde which was terrible mainly because of our guide. From the moment we transferred from one van to join the guide and 4 other passengers, we were made to feel like we were interrupting his time with his British passengers.
The guide treated us like second class citizens and barely spoke to us. He didn't check to see if we heard him, didn't answer our questions (the only exceptions were when I caught him alone and he didn't have a choice). He went to the extent of putting on a fake British accent so that his British passengers could understand him better, but couldn't be bothered to check if we heard or understood him.
I don't know what the problem was, but we first went to the wrong dock and then had to drive another 15 minutes to get to the correct dock. As a result of this, we ended up on the boat ride for only about an hour instead of the 1.5 hours the Destination Services CR salesperson had mentioned to me.
To make things worse, multiple times during the trip the guide said that mid-afternoon was the worst time to take this trip since all the birds and animals would be resting and not much would be visible. If this is the case, why did Destination Services CR even sell us the afternoon tour?
I have to imagine the guide knew that very little would be visible because he has taken this trip multiple times. If this is truly the case, Destination Services CR is doing a big disservice to customers like me by selling this trip. If it is not true, it just reinforces how little the guide cared about his passengers that he kept telling us we wouldn't see anything after we paid a hefty amount and took a long drive to take this trip.
To continue the terrible experience, as soon as we got on the boat, he told all of us "if you see anything, point it out to me and I'll explain" and stretched out in the back of the boat. While the 2 guides on other Destination Services trips we'd taken were highly engaging, looking for sights and pointing them out to us with a laser pointer, this guide did absolutely nothing. It was either the passengers (our group included) or the driver of the boat who pointed things out to each other. Why did we even need a guide on this trip then?
I'm taking the step of putting all of the above in a Trip Advisor review because no one else should go through an experience like this when they are on vacation to try and enjoy themselves and learn about a new country and its ecology, etc.
Please note that before writing this review, I spoke in person with the salesperson who sold us this tour. He said all the right things, took down my phone number and email and assured me that someone from the Destination Services CR office would contact me about this trip. I have now waited more than a month and have heard nothing from Destination Services CR.
翻译:我们参加了 Destination Services CR 销售的去 Palo Verde 的非常令人失望的旅行,这主要是因为我们的导游。从我们从一辆面包车转到导游和其他 4 名乘客的车里那一刻起,我们就觉得我们打扰了他与英国乘客相处的时间。导游把我们当二等公民一样对待,几乎不和我们说话。他没有检查我们是否听到他说话,也没有回答我们的问题(唯一的例外是我发现他独自一人,他别无选择)。他甚至假装英国口音,以便他的英国乘客能更好地理解他,但却懒得检查我们是否听到或听懂了他说的话。我不知道问题出在哪里,但我们首先去了错误的码头,然后不得不再开车 15 分钟才能到达正确的码头。因此,我们最终只乘船大约一个小时,而不是 Destination Services CR 销售人员告诉我的 1.5 小时。更糟糕的是,在旅途中,导游多次表示,下午是进行这次旅行的最糟糕时间,因为所有的鸟类和动物都会休息,看不到太多东西。如果是这样的话,为什么 Destination Services CR 还要向我们推销下午的行程呢?我不得不想象,导游知道几乎看不到什么,因为他已经多次参加过这次旅行。如果事实确实如此,Destination Services CR 推销这次行程对我这样的客户来说是一种极大的伤害。如果不是这样,这只能进一步证明导游对乘客的关心有多么少,他一直告诉我们,在我们支付了一大笔钱并开了很长时间的车参加这次旅行之后,我们什么也看不到。
为了延续这种可怕的经历,我们一上船,他就告诉我们所有人“如果你看到什么东西,指出来,我会解释的”,然后在船的后面伸懒腰。我们参加的其他目的地服务旅行的 2 名导游非常有魅力,会寻找景点并用激光笔向我们指出,但这个导游什么也没做。要么是乘客(包括我们的团队),要么是船夫互相指出了景点。那么,我们为什么在这次旅行中需要导游呢?
我决定将以上所有内容都放在 Trip Advisor 评论中,因为没有人应该在度假时经历这样的经历,尝试享受自己,了解一个新国家及其生态等。
请注意,在撰写此评论之前,我亲自与向我们销售此行程的销售人员交谈过。他说的都是对的,记下了我的电话号码和电子邮件,并向我保证目的地服务 CR 办公室的某个人会就此行程与我联系。我现在已经等了一个多月,没有收到目的地服务 CR 的任何消息。